It started with 6 dogs and needing to move. And “Why don’t we look at moving to some land?” And then the barn cats came with the house unexpectedly but they kept the mice and snakes away so why not right? Then came the kittens… and the need for a catio to protect the babies and some special needs kittens from the owls. Then came the “why not just ONE baby goat?” And then 2 horses because of course I dreamt of having horses as a little girl (what little kid doesn’t at some point, they’re awesome!) and our 2 youngest also fell in love with the horses obviously. And our oldest then loved the baby goat so much and the goat AKA Mickey AKA Head Goat lol needed some pals and ladies ya know. So 11 goats (disclaimer: CURRENTLY) later here we are. This is Grayson Farm and Ranch! Where we definitely go the extra mile for our animals. We love them all so much, but I will say we each have our favorites so the love is spread around. And we have lots of friends come visit so they can share their love too. This is our therapy!!! We are working on products for your family to enjoy a little bit of GFR right at home and we are also working on our breeding schedule if you are interested in our Nigerian Dwarf goats, Nubian goats, or Boer goats. We will have a breeding page setup for each and have pairings listed for convenience. Please send us a message for any questions you have!